These are little readings that can either stand alone when you just need a quick moment of clarity, or can be fit into bigger, more complex readings.
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1. What is this feeling?
2. What can I do with/about it? |
I use this one constantly. It's extremely helpful for when I'm in some type of mood and can't quite figure out what's going on, or for when I'm feeling stuck on something and don't know why. The action card at the end is particularly useful for figuring out how to come un-stuck.
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1. What have I been doing?
2. What comes next? |
This could also be used to mark the changing of the month, or any regular, small occasion
that warrants some introspection. Take a moment to take a quick inventory of what you did
over the past moon cycle, and think about what's coming up next. Reflect on the themes
you see and whether they reflect the direction you want to be going at this point in your
I really enjoy keeping track of these from month-to-month to see how things did or didn't
go according to how I thought they might.
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1. Who was this person?
What context do I need to understand this part of my life? |
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2. What am I grateful to her for? |
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3. What do I need to forgive her for? |
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4. What's okay to leave behind?
What coping mechanisms did she need that are no longer serving me? |
I often feel like I'm completely disconnected from the people I've been in my life. this
means that there are big parts of my personal history that I'm just not learning from, which
is a problem. This spread has been really helpful in getting me to understand my own history.
It may look simple, but the message it delivers can be kind of a kick in the pants.
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2. Why do I feel so confused?
3. What am I not seeing? |
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1. What is causing these blocked feelings? | ||
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4. How can I reconnect with myself?
5. How can I move forward? |
I've adapted this spread from a now-deactivated Tumblr user earthangel-kj,
Part of the strength of this spread is in the way it splits hairs. On their surface, the
questions "what am I confused about" and "what am I not seeing" can feel very much the
same. When you're really wrestling with a lack of direction, though, the differences can
matter more than you'd think.
I also really love to do this reading for others. There's something about the
complexity that helps the querent feel very seen and attended to, which is always a great
experience for everyone. Bring out the tarot cloth and the candles and get ready to help
someone figure their shit out!